Classroom Science Experiment

Here are two classroom science experiments using brine shrimp eggs that you can conduct in a classroom:
Hatching and Growth Rates of Brine Shrimp:
- Materials needed:
- Brine shrimp eggs (also known as Artemia cysts)
- Saltwater solution (brine) made by dissolving salt in water
- Two or more containers (clear plastic cups or small aquarium tanks)
- Air pump and air stone (optional)
- Light source
Procedure: a. Prepare the brine shrimp habitats:
- Fill each container with the saltwater solution (brine).
- Add the same amount of brine shrimp eggs to each container.
- Ensure the containers are in a well-lit area or provide artificial light.
b. Observe the hatching process:
- After approximately 24-48 hours, the brine shrimp eggs should start hatching.
- Observe and record the time it takes for the eggs to hatch in each container.
- Count the number of hatched brine shrimp in each container.
c. Monitor growth rates:
- Over the next few days, continue to observe the brine shrimp in each container.
- Measure and record the growth of the brine shrimp by comparing their size from day to day.
Note any differences in growth rates between the containers and discuss possible reasons.
Effect of Environmental Factors on Brine Shrimp:
Materials needed:
- Brine shrimp eggs
- Saltwater solution
- Three containers
- Water heater or incubator (optional)
- Temperature gauge
- Light source
- Additional factors to test (e.g., pH levels, light intensity, salinity)
Procedure: a. Prepare the brine shrimp habitats:
- Fill each container with the saltwater solution.
- Add the same amount of brine shrimp eggs to each container.
- Ensure the containers are in a well-lit area or provide artificial light.
b. Manipulate environmental factors:
- Choose one environmental factor to test, such as temperature.
- In one container, maintain the temperature at room temperature.
- In another container, heat the water to a higher temperature (use a water heater or incubator).
- In the third container, cool the water to a lower temperature (using ice or a refrigerator).
c. Observe and compare results:
- Monitor the brine shrimp in each container and record their behaviour, hatching rate, and growth.
- Repeat the experiment with different environmental factors (pH levels, light intensity, salinity) if desired.
- Analyse the data and discuss the effects of each factor on the brine shrimp.
These classroom science experiments allow students to observe and understand the life cycle of brine shrimp and explore how different environmental factors can impact their development. Classroom science experiments like these promote hands-on learning, data collection, and analysis skills. At we’d love to hear more about your classroom science experiments, please get in touch with your stories on our social media pages.
Raising Baby Brine Shrimp From Eggs in the Science Classroom
To raise baby brine shrimp from eggs in the science classroom, you’ll need a few basic classroom science experiment equipment and supplies. Here’s a list of the essential items:
Hatching Container: Use a small container to hatch the brine shrimp eggs. A glass jar, plastic bottle, or a dedicated brine shrimp hatchery can work well. Make sure it’s clean and free from any contaminants.
Brine Shrimp Eggs: Obtain fresh and viable brine shrimp eggs from a reputable source. Ensure that the eggs are of good quality and have a high hatching rate.
Salt Mix: You’ll need marine salt mix or sea salt specifically formulated for aquarium use. This is used to achieve the desired salinity in the hatching water. Follow the instructions on the salt mix package to determine the appropriate amount.
Dechlorinated Water: Brine shrimp require water without chlorine or chloramine. You can use tap water treated with a dechlorinator or use distilled water. Avoid using water from a water softener or water that has been treated with copper-based medications, as it may harm the brine shrimp.
Air Pump and Air Stone: Brine shrimp eggs require proper aeration for successful hatching. Use an air pump to create water movement and oxygenate the hatching container. Attach an air stone or air-driven sponge filter to the air pump to disperse tiny bubbles in the water.
Heater: Brine shrimp eggs hatch best at a temperature range of 75-80°F (24-27°C). Use a submersible aquarium heater to maintain a stable temperature within this range. A thermometer can also be helpful to monitor the water temperature.
Light Source: Brine shrimp nauplii are attracted to light, which helps in their collection and feeding. You can use a desk lamp, a dedicated aquarium light, or any other light source to attract the nauplii. Position the light source above the hatching container.
Fine Mesh Net or Brine Shrimp Sieve: You’ll need a fine mesh net or a brine shrimp sieve to separate the hatched brine shrimp nauplii from the hatching container. This allows you to harvest the nauplii for feeding or transfer them to another container.
Pipette or Feeding Tool: A pipette or a specialized brine shrimp feeding tool can be handy for transferring the nauplii to your fish tank or feeding them to fish fry. It allows for precise and controlled dispensing of the nauplii.
Optional: Additional classroom science experiment supplies such as a hydrometer or refractometer to measure salinity, a hatching cone or dish for improved separation of eggs and nauplii, and a flashlight or magnifying glass for observation can be helpful but are not essential.
By having these basic equipment and supplies, you’ll be well-prepared to hatch and raise baby brine shrimp from eggs.
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Frequently Asked Questions
What did we learn in the brine shrimp classroom experiment?
We learned various things depending on the aim of the experiment. One of the results was that brine shrimp will not hatch in environments containing no salt and thrive in environments of higher salt concentration.
Why do we study brine shrimp?
Brine Shrimp are useful subjects for study and a classroom science experiment as they reproduce quickly and their environment is easy to replicate.
How do you observe a brine shrimp's gut?
The gut of a brine shrimp can be more easily observed if it is fed coloured food. Yeast dyed with food colouring is ideal. Mix a drop of food colouring with a few grains of yeast in a spoon. Add a few drops of salt water from your brine shrimp aquarium and then add brine shrimp to the spoon.
How do you observe brine shrimp under the microscope?
Use a pipette or eyedropper and place a few brine shrimp on a glass slide within a water droplet. The brine shrimp will move around using their hair like appendages.
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